Diario de Sanse entrevista a Juan Ignacio Codina Segovia, autor del libro «Pan y toros. Breve historia del pensamiento antitaurino español». Este periodista, y doctor en Historia Contemporánea, presenta su trabajo este sábado 9 a las 12:00 horas en la sala de conferencias de la biblioteca central (Marcos Ana) de San Sebastián de los Reyes. Habrá aforo limitado.

Se trata de una figura que se ha formado en este tema, ya que tiene una tesis titulada El pensamiento antitaurino en España, de la Ilustración del XVIII hasta la actualidad. Además, es cofundador y subdirector del Observatorio Justicia y Defensa Animal, y profesor del Máster en Derecho Animal y Sociedad en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Pregunta. ¿En qué consiste el libro?
Respuesta. El libro recoge las principales conclusiones de mi tesis doctoral. Me doctoré en historia contemporánea en 2018 con una tesis que trataba de investigar las raíces del pensamiento antitaurino en la historia de España. Al final la cosa fue mucho más de lo que me esperaba. En España existen posiciones contrarias a la tauromaquia desde el siglo XIII. Además, generación tras generación ha habido grandes hombres y mujeres de diferentes ámbitos que han alzado su voz contra la tauromaquia por consistir en una barbarie que se fundamenta en hacer sufrir a un animal noble. También genera grandes perjuicios al país. Una de las grandes conclusiones a la que se llega en este libro es que el antitaurinismo no es una moda. Se evidencia de manera académica.
Esto no formaba parte solo de una élite intelectual. La propia sociedad con el paso del tiempo crea asociaciones para hacer ver a los gobernantes que hay que erradicar la tauromaquia.
«En los últimos años se está viviendo un momento de esplendor respecto a esta oposición a la tauromaquia»
P. ¿El movimiento antitaurino está en su momento más álgido de su historia en la actualidad?
R. Sí, sin menospreciar el bagaje histórico. Nos han contado un pensamiento único antitaurino. Ya Jovellanos, Cadalso, Larra, Unamuno, Umbral… estaban en contra. Nos quieren desmemoriados y tenemos que defender ese legado. El antitaurinismo una seña de identidad de nuestro país. Se ha silenciado para imponer ese pensamiento único. Es cierto que en los últimos años se está viviendo un momento de esplendor social y político respecto a esta oposición a la tauromaquia. Esto se une a que cada vez va menos público a las plazas de toros y hay menos festejos.

No conviene «lanzar las campanas al vuelo» porque se ha intentado prohibir la tauromaquia a lo largo de la historia y no se ha conseguido. Es un monstruo. Políticamente la irrupción de formaciones como Unidas Podemos o Más País o el movimiento ecologista demuestran que la tauromaquia no campa a sus anchas.
«La sociedad aborrece cada vez más estas costumbres»
P. Entonces, ¿crees que la tauromaquia va a desaparecer en poco tiempo?
R. No, soy muy prudente porque conozco la historia. La tauromaquia vive porque tiene y ha tenido un apoyo institucional público muy fuerte por la política del «pan y toros», como dice el libro. Históricamente la tauromaquia ha sido utilizada como un arma de distracción masiva. Esto ya sucedía en Roma con el «plan y circo». La gente carecía de derechos, pero tenía sus divertimentos. Hoy en día la tauromaquia sigue apoyada por el PP, VOX o la monarquía. No podemos pensar que se acabará de un día para otro, pero es verdad que la sociedad aborrece cada vez más estas costumbres.
Será difícil que acabe pronto. Recordemos que el PP de Rajoy bajó el IVA de los toros del 21 al 10% o el dinero que dan los ayuntamientos a esto. El claro ejemplo de defensa a la tauromaquia en Madrid lo tenemos con Ayuso y Almeida.
«Cuando uno se pronuncia públicamente con este tema recibes ataques en redes sociales»
P. Este sábado presentas el libro en Sanse. Un municipio taurino con sus encierros y feria taurina de agosto. ¿Te han llegado comentarios negativos por venir aquí a hablar de un libro antitaurino?
R. No, a mí no. A los mejor a los organizadores del evento, la Peña Ferdinand, sí. Por lo general cuando uno se pronuncia públicamente con este tema recibes ataques en redes sociales. Me han tachado d mentiroso o manipulador. Ahí está mi trabajo. Yo voy a presentar mi libro y a exponer de manera argumentada que la tauromaquia no tiene cabida en una sociedad que mira al futuro de manera progresista.
«No se puede hablar de libertad cuando el fundamento histórico de la tauromaquia consiste en martirizar a un animal hasta que muera desangrado«
P. Una de las frases más escuchadas del sector taurino es que les dejen ir a las plazas de toros en libertad. Quien no quiera ir que no vaya, pero que no impidan que lo haga al que le guste. ¿Qué opinas?
R. El tema de la libertad es muy curioso. La libertad conlleva una gran responsabilidad. Esto no es el mayo 68 francés o una anarquía. Mi libertad termina cuando afecta a terceros. No se puede hablar de libertad cuando el fundamento histórico de la tauromaquia consiste en martirizar a un animal hasta que muera desangrado. Hay una hipocresía hablando de libertad cuando utilizan luego los fondos públicos para financiar la tauromaquia, como hacen las políticas socialistas. Eso no es liberal. Deberían dejar que el mercado decida, que el lo que les gusta.
«Si queremos que los animales tengan los mejores defensores posibles no cabe otra que hay que formarse«
P. Por último, ¿cómo puede un antitaurino ayudar en la sociedad para minimizar la tauromaquia?
R. Es una buena pregunta. Yo, que soy antitaurino, anticaza… empecé como activista y llegué un momento que pensé que más podía hacer. Por eso hice la primera tesis en España sobre el antitaurinismo. Si queremos que los animales tengan los mejores defensores posibles no cabe otra que hay que formarse. Para combatir a un enemigo tan poderoso hay que estar muy preparado. Además de asistir a reuniones, votar… Hay que inculcar a los hijos la necesidad de estudiar. Nos quieren ignorantes y no lo somos.
Cada vez más las generaciones más jóvenes estudian derecho para defender a los animales o estudian magisterio para educar a los niños sobre el amor a los animales.
Fast-forward 16 years, and in 2020 it was reported that 26.9% of
women met the rules for muscle-strengthening bodily exercise.
The clear pull is a weightlifting train for developing explosive energy,
power, and method for the clean portion of the clean and jerk.
It is like the primary and second pull of the clean and reinforces these motion patterns but without the extra technical demand of receiving the bar
in a entrance squat. As A End Result Of it eliminates the catch, you must use heavier hundreds than your max
clean, making it very effective for overload coaching.
This program involves coaching 3 times weekly,
focusing on lifting heavy in each session, preserving the variety of reps
under 8 per set, and coaching all main muscle
groups. Deadlifts are a huge mass and power constructing
train (like squats). After a few warm-up units, you’ll
do your first working set of rows for 8 reps. Bump up the weight and do 6.
As properly as concentrating on your front delts, the barbell overhead press will also hit your pecs,
traps and mid-back. You’ll simply be doing three units of this exercise, with a
focus on eccentric reps. But then we throw in a burn out set to totally annihilate the shoulders.
As you get stronger it takes more time to warm-up to
your working weights and you want to continually
be including extra work via increasing the burden,
units and/or reps performed. Your gym workouts will usually be 6-10 sets of few reps with the identical weight to
build up volume and power over time. Quite A Few sets with few reps are the finest way to achieve maximal energy since you are training your setup and method with intense weights, quite a few
times during a workout.
Make certain you separate every coaching session with no
much less than one rest day. This routine will work each major muscle group each session and is designed to improve your
strength and build muscle mass. Yes, a full physique weight
coaching program can get you ripped so long as they’re
accomplished with proper depth and frequency.
Fitbod ensures that these workout plans match your talents, making a motivational yet challenging surroundings so
that you simply can maintain progressing and need to progress in lifting weights.
This weightlifting app features an intuitive gym logger to trace the progress of your weightlifting periods, which is then graphically displayed by way of charts.
This great function motivates users to optimize features by recognizing patterns to enhance further.
Others promote them as a fantastic approach to constructing muscle
and energy. The workouts that come after these moves are
the accessory actions that may help generate more quantity, supporting building muscle mass.
This is the way you arrange a workout that lets
you enhance muscular energy and mass simultaneously.
You begin battling small foes (lifting lighter weights or doing only
some sets), and as you get stronger, you problem larger bosses (heavier weights, extra reps, or harder
exercises). Development is about steadily rising the difficulty of your exercises.
The greatest full physique routine will activate each upper body, lower physique,
and core muscle groups and allow for progressive overload.
All of the total body coaching applications highlighted in our
article meet that criteria.
Whereas you should still use some variance in your rep vary within the actual session, that’s about as difficult because it needs to get.
Getting involved in a coaching program as a teenager can do unbelievable issues
for self-confidence. It’s inevitable, but fortuitously, resistance coaching can decrease their risk.
These are probably the most just lately added exercise program
spreadsheets on Lift Vault. Plus, going to the gym too usually can turn out to be tough mentally for a selection of reasons.
In a perfect world, you wish to be hungry for that next session and enter the health
club able to move lots of weight around.
Clear pulls might look much like snatch pulls, but there are variations in grip width, pulling mechanics,
and body positioning. In trendy occasions, it has been a
part of the Olympic Games since 1896 and completely since 1920, the place athletes compete in several weight courses to see who can raise probably the most.
Do this for 6-8 weeks consistency and we guarantee you’ll be a unique individual altogether.
The goal is to observe every exercise day precisely as it’s introduced here.
It’s a bit like hanging a heavy weight from a rope – little by little it might begin to separate each particular person strand of the
rope itself. Focusing your consideration on just a small number of core lifts will make
all the distinction in relation to optimum
To circuit prepare, perform one set of every train in your exercise
and then transfer to the subsequent train with out resting.
Perform one to 4 rounds, with a short relaxation between rounds.
When you’ve got constructed a stable basis, begin to increase the problem by adding extra complex movements and
more weight.
Someone who already have 3 or 4 moths of expertise in lifting would benefit from this 4 day intermediate full physique workout plan. Beginner, advanced and
extra advanced bodybuilders wouldn’t profit from this four day full body exercise
plan. With full body exercises you may not full as
many sets per workout, but because you’re
hitting the muscle a quantity of instances per week, you
probably can shortly improve quantity – and intensity.
Now you have an superior workout routine to build muscle size and
make energy features.
Sometimes you will need to reduce everything else you are doing so the body can have enough time to recuperate and progress …
You May want to aim to perform the 5 X 5 protocol for the
core exercises as described above and then in the discount of on the volume for the accessory
lifts. The disadvantage to this program is that it is one which a beginner doubtless shouldn’t leap into as
it is going to be intense and will lead to overtraining should you’re
not careful. It’s best to have a 3-6 month lifting
historical past behind you so you can be certain your body is ready for this stress load.
It Is also essential that you just perceive which elements contribute probably
the most to gaining lean muscle mass.
This will keep the tension on the pecs all through the
entire movement. Even although you do not improve the burden on every set, the cumulative effect of
your reps will make every set progressively more durable.
Nevertheless, it’s critical that you’re strict on both your rest time
and your train kind for each single a type of 36 reps. Eccentric training refers back to the lowering
or adverse part of a repetition. In the case of barbell curls, this is the part if you
end up reducing the bar. There are a lot of research that have confirmed that
this part of the rep is definitely extra advantageous
to muscle growth that the positive or lifting part.
For instance, if it says 8-12 reps for any given exercise, however you prefer
reps, that’s fantastic. Once you decide on the change you need, simply maintain the identical
rep vary over the course of the training period so you can focus on the aforementioned
progressive overload technique. A 5-day weight training routine works for numerous goals around strength gain, muscle building, and fats loss.
You simply have to have the ability to decide to a rigorous and consistent exercise schedule.
You will start with the same weight that you just used for the previous 3 sets.
Maintaining your relaxation time to a minute will ensure that your general intensity for this exercise ramps up like a staircase impact.
That should be your 10 reps max, so that you can’t do an eleventh rep with out
your kind breaking down.
You can get by with 1-2 minutes of relaxation on the isolation actions.
The first two weeks of the program are all about lifting heavy with mass-building compound workout routines.
For every thing but abs and calves, reps fall within the 6-8 range; for
those accustomed to doing units of 8-12, this implies going heavier than normal.
Be sure not to rock for momentum and when you really feel your back
beginning to arch, it’s time to decrease the load. There are a number of shoulder-press variations,
including the dumbbell press, Arnold press and behind-the-neck press.
These workout routines are nice for the shoulders, traps and higher body.
Since a number of muscle teams are engaged
in every full physique coaching session, Ivysaur is a great selection for beginners which may be in search of an efficient power
way to build muscle and gain energy. As An Alternative of performing a set for a prescribed variety of reps, in an AMRAP set
the lifter will see how many reps they can obtain whereas
still sustaining proper type. This lets the lifters get some additional coaching volume in if they’re feeling recent or
get a bit less volume if they’re feeling drained or run down. Whether you choose the single-leg or traditional deadlift,
utilizing dumbbells or barbells, this versatile exercise engages the hamstrings, glutes and again muscle tissue.
Kind is crucial on this exercise, so be certain to maintain a
flat again and slight bend in your knees. If you’re
feeling your again rounding, scale back the load and refocus on your kind.
So, let’s flip this myth on its head and discuss
how women who’ve a objective of gaining muscle can do
so safely and successfully by way of resistance coaching.
While it’s good to lift heavy at round 85%1RM, there’s
no must lift much heavier than this. At this level, you need to get in quantity
and enhance muscle mass and strength, and 85% is the sweet spot for each energy and muscle hypertrophy.
When we apply a load to our muscles by way of a full
vary of motion, it’s going to significantly improve this
neuromuscular system that controls how successfully our muscles converse collectively.
In addition, resistance training does contain a major amount of athletic movements and
You can change workout sorts, durations, reps, cardio choices, and so forth., to match your likes.
Your strengths, weaknesses, gym tools availability, and different variables are considered when creating these plans.
Barbells and cable machines aren’t the only way to get in an excellent
exercise. Relating To your protein intake, you need to eat 1.6 grams per kilogram of physique
weight (g/kg) at an absolute minimal.
Some will select to train triceps with chest, and that’s okay too (chest and triceps is also a push workout).
You could find that legs respond best to excessive quantity and excessive reps.
But don’t mistake excessive reps for going gentle. In truth, I’ve personally followed this
split for many of my lifting profession, and even at present revert to it when I need to focus on mass.
However if you want to maintain it hardcore you
presumably can go for the full 12 weeks and not using a deload
– but focus on as much leisure as possible in your days off.
But whenever you follow full body coaching you shift emphasis from muscle to muscle which helps you to maintain strength whereas decreasing
fatigue. If you’re a regular fitness center goes with a great base of health
then this program will speed up your results.
Wanting for the most success possible together with your exercise
routine? Here are a quantity of ideas and ideas relating to this system above.
When you’re new to weight lifting you can be confused by the sheer amount of conflicting
advice and opinions on the topic. If you coast via your workouts
and don’t put a lot effort in, you won’t see any outcomes.
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